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"Convergence"... the current revolution?

Convergence... the current revolution...

     Our class went over the history of how technology developed over time since the 90s. Computational Power, Moore's Law (ENIAC), Mainframes, sizes, and forms have changed so much. In the beginning, when technology (computers) was new and used only by the military and the government in warehouses, wired through cords and stored by magnetic tapes or card decks. Mainframes were then developed and accessed by the business, military, government, and even universities for research - still in big rooms, but with Ethernet cable stored by IBM-based Winchester. Technology then developed to minis for mid-size businesses in areas as big as cars (to compare) where network is used and information is stored through floppy hard disks (360k/720k). Then, finally, in the 1980s (mid), Apple's Macintosh personal computer was introduced for the rich and wealth consumer, for homes, and schools - and this technology came in the form of a desktop wired with a modem. And RAM was also introduced then (at 8Kb) for storage as well as disks that increased in size of up to 40 MB.
     Today personal computers exist, multiple computers exist, the Internet of Things IOT came to light, and the size of it all just became portable. Modems can still be used today but now there is wireless capable of 4 gigabit (4G). Storage, I think, is one aspect of all this technological development that surprised me the most. These days we can have terabytes Tb of storage and we may even possibly have Pb (which is above Tb). I wonder how much storage will increase in the next 20 years? How much more information can be stored? Technology itself somewhat terrifies me because of how it may be able to learn on its own (and be "alive" on its own possibly without any help from a human being for control).  However, at the same time, I feel excited for it because I truly want to see how far all this will go and I would also want to know if there will be a breaking point for all this--and by breaking point, I mean a total crash. If all this will become further advanced, then at what point will all this decline? And how will there be a decline (or what will be the cause of a possible crash)? I would surely love to know... but for now, I guess we all must anxiously rest to wait and see.

Word Count: 408 


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